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AI-Powered e-learning for Product Explanation -- Why Is It the Need of The Hour?

October 29, 2024 ai elearning development

The current environment is such that the training methods should be improvised frequently so that firms are in sync with the latest technologies which can enhance the upskilling capabilities of the employees.

Traditionally, companies used to rely more on manuals as well as paper-based systems and hand over those fat reference books to the employees so that they could check out after returning home from the office. While the system served the purpose but they were, in many ways, a kind of headache for the workforce, as they had to carry the heavy load and found it difficult to understand the concepts with only text explanations.

This is exactly where AI-powered e-learning for product explanation plays a pivotal role in such scenarios as far as grasping knowledge is concerned as well as the way concepts are explained to the learners. In other words, product explanation e-learning courseware consists of interactive elements in the form of games as well as simulation so that the learners can practice what they have learned in the various workplace scenarios -- truly amazing, isn’t it?

The benefits of the e-learning platform, created by a reputed and well-established e-learning player such as VKCL, have much usefulness to render in the form of thorough knowledge to the employees and make them ready for creating new products as per the customer's requirements.

There are many more useful features that e-learning for product explanation courseware coupled with artificial intelligence (AI) can provide like updated latest information. These necessary updates would be in sync with industry requirements. Besides, interesting elements are introduced to the learners that would make learning engaging; these will be explained in the subsequent sections.

Importantly, training on product explanation using AI-powered customized e-learning platforms ensures that the information delivered is accurate, up-to-date, and relevant; especially for industries with rapidly changing product lines. In this blog, we will also explore how product explanation e-learning (powered by AI-based complex algorithms) addresses varied challenges and the benefits it offers as far as product explanation Is concerned. But before that, we shall look into varied challenging situations that the usual teaching system can offer that learners may find tough to deal with.

Table of Contents:

Challenges Posed by Old-School Training Methods

  • Out-Dated Ways
  • Rigidity
  • Time Consumption
  • Updation of Content  Regularly
  • Personalization
  • Progress Tracking

Supercharged Learning with AI-based e-learning for Product Explanation

  • Catering as Per the Learning Needs
  • Learn Anywhere, Anytime
  • Course Materials Suiting Different Learning Styles

Challenges Posed by Old-School Training Methods

Training is highly important, but conventional ways of doing it may cause a lot of hurdles, described hereunder.

Out-Dated Ways: Most of the time, these old-fashioned methods depend on face-to-face sessions and this makes them a bit too rigid; especially for big companies with multiple teams. Consequence: the workforce might have, with no other option, to show up for set training times, messing up their usual work tasks.

Rigidity: Sometimes, there is a high chance that trainers may teach in their own ways, and hence, not everyone may grasp complex information the same way –- the same kind of training for all may not work every time.

To elaborate further, some learners may prefer to learn by looking at visual pictures to understand the concepts; others may prefer learning by practicing or applying the subject matter in daily life, and some knowledge seekers may prefer learning by hearing in the form of audio explanations in addition to text materials.

These missing features are incorporated in e-learning for product explanation as AI smartly identifies these loopholes and fills the gaps. We shall have a look at the e-learning platform's usefulness later after this section.

Time Consumption: There is a big chance that old-school training may eat up way too much time of learners. The likelihood is high that it could take a long period of time — maybe weeks or even months — to get all the workforce trained on a newly introduced technology or the latest products introduced in the market.

So, is it a feasible and smart idea to have to wait that long just when the situation demands otherwise? In fact, delays like this can considerably slow down the rate at which teams would absorb knowledge on time, work on the necessary mandates, and assist in launching of new products. On top of that, the onus is upon the employees to check what they learned on a frequent basis, so they might not forget key principles about products.

Updation of Content  Regularly: Another major issue that plagues old types of training is that they can’t keep up with changes. This has a major impact considering fast-moving fields like software or hardware tech, medicine, and other fields, wherein new shifts happen all the time! In such fields, paper or manual training may find it difficult to catch up with new information coming out and implementation itself may present a big problem.

So, the trainees will not be in sync with the latest updates, which can lead to mistakes when they’re trying to sell or show off the product. It’s like running a race with old shoes — one just cannot keep going on without replacing them! But this facility can be provided through product explanation e-learning courseware which will be explained in the later section.

Personalization: It can become really tough when old types of training systems are followed as they are incapable of making learning more personalized for learners who assimilate information differently. In other words, every individual is unique and hence, one can't expect everyone to learn the same way. Elaborately put further, there may be some people who might need extra time to get a good understanding of harder topics -- complex ones with more jargon, while others may see the problem in a different light -- learn easily as they may have the background knowledge.

Thus, old-school systems may not have the capability to adjust themselves to what each person needs; they just cater the same information to everyone at the same time -- irrespective of the previous knowledge and time required. Consequence: when the trainees; especially, newbies don’t get the kind of learning support they need, they can get bored, confused, or completely disinterested -- hence, might not remember what they have been trained in.

To understand this situation, imagine a person trying to teach newcomers how to cook many dishes in a plain way without much demonstration -- even though some might be quicker at chopping or better at tasting. Won't such scenarios put the learners in a spot -- it's like putting square pegs in round holes!

Progress Tracking: This is another leading issue considering how well are the insight gainers doing while training -- are they performing as per the expectations or finding the content difficult to digest? So, this situation puts managers in a quandary as they have very little idea about how much their team is learning without real-time updates or direct feedback. In fact, they may remain clueless on who gets the concepts right and who might need extra help.

Without this crucial information, the workforce under training would not fully know how to handle tricky tasks related to the products or their functionality, making them less productive from the company's perspective. This is like trying to fix a bike without knowing it properly; particularly, which parts aren’t working right. The problems multiply when the learners aren't provided with proper feedback -- thus, solving the existing issues becomes much tougher for newbies.

Clearly, overcoming these challenges necessitates a type of training platform that is more flexible in nature; allows scalability, and an approach that suits all types of learners. That’s where AI-powered e-learning for product explanation enters the picture, offering solutions that traditional methods cannot match.

Supercharged Learning with AI-based e-learning for Product Explanation

Given below are some of the ways through which AI-based product explanation e-learning courseware turns out to be an effective tool for addressing various learning needs of the trainees.

Catering as Per the Learning Needs: Sometimes. following regular training can be a drag, but incorporating e-learning for product explanation (that too AI-powered) will serve as a catalyst for learners. Reason: It has the capability to make absorbing information fun and interesting for learners -- fitting each person's learning needs like a glove.

To understand this, let us take an example wherein new phone features are explained. Now, AI with its complex algorithms scans all possible areas wherein the learners can enhance their knowledge and accordingly displays the information -- awesome, isn't it?

Learn Anywhere, Anytime: With AI-oriented smart e-learning -- be it safety training of different products or about any vehicle parts (through automobile e-learning), the knowledge seekers may not have much trouble as the virtual platform provides the facility to learn whenever they want -- it is more like watching their favorite shows when they have time. The best aspect is that there are no more set times for attending the classes.

Even people who are far away can get upskilled when needed and thus, everyone in the company gets to be on the same page -- irrespective of where they live. As an example: learners can take a lesson on products right from their backyard -- truly amazing!

Course Materials Suiting Different Learning Styles: With product explanation e-learning courseware (especially fine-tuned to suit different types of learners through AI tech), learners get exactly what they deserve. This happens as smart algorithms figure out how to render the learning lessons in the best possible ways to the learners and adjust the training pace to suit their knowledge-absorbing capacity.

Importantly, in case, if learners find some features related to the products tricky, AI immediately provides more examples and fun activities to clarify their concepts. These measures (built into the virtual courseware) keep trainees interested and help them to remember the key concepts.


AI-powered e-learning for product explanation will turn out to be a game-changer as far as training for explaining features of products is concerned. Importantly, it is able to overcome all the hurdles that are posed by the traditional form of teaching and it is capable of delivering the kind of content according to the learner’s space as well as style.

If your company is keen on developing product explanation e-learning courseware driven by complex AI engines, then you can contact VK Creative Learning (VKCL).

October 29, 2024
