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Utilizing Nudge Theory in Academic K-12 and Corporate eLearning Solutions to Achieve Learning and Enhance Memory Retention

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About Nudge Theory 

Nudge Theory is an innovative and unique methodology which primarily focuses on helping the learners to retain what they have learnt. This is achieved by continuous positive reinforcement and indirect suggestions to the learners that shape their behaviour and decision-making skills. This was designed by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein in 2008. The main aspect that distinguishes it from ordinary training sessions is that the concept of ‘Nudge’ in K-12 solutions and corporate e-learning solutions is structured in such a way that individuals are pushed to constantly revise the learned information and thus, retaining the concepts becomes easy which is in sync with the learning objectives. 

Why do conventional forms of training sessions fail to deliver desired learning outcomes?

Certain research studies show that some organisations who utilised conventional methodology of training were not that successful in motivating employees to learn something new and improvise on their existing skills. Several scholars propose that learning becomes a habit and attracts the attention of the learners when they find the learning courseware interesting and are willing to put more hours into it to acquire new skills. This means active participation of the learners for the constant acquisition of new knowledge and skills.

How incorporation of Nudge theory can optimise the learning skills in K-12 e-learning solutions and corporate e-learning solution?

Since Nudge theory is based on the concept of poking the learners to revise constantly by asking different types of real-life scenario questions at different time intervals, learners will be pushed to think about various aspects of the learned concepts which can be applied to answer the Nudge theory-based real-life questions. VK Creative Learning (VKCL) discovered this game-changing aspect of the Nudge theory and introduced it in all types of e-learning solutions - be it K-12 e-learning solutions or corporate e-learning solutions. What fascinated VKCL the most about the Nudge Strategy was that the Nudge form of learning gives a clear direction to the learners with at most determination, without pushing them into the zone of mugging up the textual content. Another best aspect of Nudge theory is that it is customised to suit an individual's learning style, peace, and time convenience. Above all, from a school’s perspective and corporate organisation's perspective, it helps both to provide feedback to the learners and renders a broad outlook to adopt learning new skills. Also, this helps the learners to gain a competitive edge. 


Best methodologies used by VKCL with Nudge theory in K-12 e-learning solutions and corporate e-learning solutions to accomplish optimised learning and to boost memory retention


  1. Clean and Clear Structure matters the most for VKCL to ensure that learners find the content interesting and appealing. This is achieved by choosing a clean and clear format, flow, and colours, with plenty of examples and diagrams. 
  2. VK Creative Learning believes learning becomes fun and absorbing when examples associated with daily life are included in the content which the learners can associate themselves with.
  3. Unnecessary lengthy information is avoided and content is made compact and specific to deliver the learning objectives 
  4. Real-life scenarios are incorporated based on the concept of Nudge theory

November 10, 2020
