In most organisations, interns or newly joined technicians are asked to work in a certain environment which they are not acquainted with, as they do not possess the experience to handle them. For example, it can be a fresh postgraduate or an engineer who is just out of college and asked to work on complex types of machinery or hazardous environments, which can pose risk to life. This knowledge and skills may not be easily available in any reference books that they may have come across during their college days.
In such cases, they are offered a training program which is nothing but an overview of the task to be done in the working environment along with some fat text manual, describing the functioning and activities involved in the process. However having mentioned it, training the new joiners is not a simple task as there are many complex processes or the subtle knowledge that has to be made acquainted to them. The idea of training the newly joined individuals with the help of a textual manual or by just giving an overview of the working processes may backfire, as they may not have the adequate knowledge to understand the in-depth working of these types of machinery or the chemicals they are dealing with.
Hence, the training programs have to be carefully crafted to cover all the essential details required for the new joiners to understand every manufacturing process. A customised e-learning solution is one such learning course that takes care of all the necessary parameters to impart the required knowledge to the newly joined technicians or interns, which helps them to understand the nitty-gritty of the working mechanisms in an environment. This would also help them to achieve the productivity level to meet the business objectives.
Why is a customised e-learning solution the best bet for training the interns?
Customised e-learning solutions utilise the capabilities of the latest technologies such as 2-D and 3-D animations to explain a concept in detail to the learners. Simulations are added to ensure that there is interactivity between the e-learning solution and the learner. For example, using simulation and animation the learner will be asked what will be the products of the reaction and which chemicals have to be used in what manufacturing process?
The answer to this will be shown in the form of animation to the learners by which they will get a thorough idea about the concept. Similarly, in the case of engineering types of machinery, the latest equipment will be described thoroughly and the functioning of each of its parts will be explained in the animated form so that the learners get a deep idea about their working mechanism.
Since VK Creative Learning (VKCL) has been in the field of e-learning space for more than a decade, it has a vast experience of creating various forms of Customised e-learning solution for training. For the same, it has been associated with various developments that occur in various industries by maintaining an association with the top leading experts of the corporate world and industries. VKCL’s custom e-learning solutions make use of animated videos, three-dimensional figures, simulations, visuals and multiple self-explanatory diagrams for explaining a concept in detail.