Storytelling has been one of the main elements that has been turning heads and capturing hearts as it is capable of making learning easy when it comes to supporting concept explanations. In fact, it has been noted that when complex topics are explained with the use of storytelling, it helps the listeners to grasp the crux of the topic easily. Importantly, they are capable of resonating with learners of all ages as most subject matters that seem to be difficult to understand using text can be easily swallowed as a spoonful of sugar.
Think about a scenario where a teacher is teaching about plateaus and rivers running through various parts of them and mountains. These rivers and waterfronts that squiggle in a map are tough to understand for the learners who haven’t seen them before. However, with the help of some kind of animations and proper illustrations, they could be made to be understood by the students. Moreover, when this type of knowledge imparting is done with the help of storytelling through various characters, understanding becomes easy, and the learning journey is smooth.
Guess what, this is possible when a school or educational Institute ops for K12 content development in the form of customized e-learning courseware from a reputed educational content development company who has been in the stream of developing such content that bridges the missing aspects of understanding. In other words, it helps the students to connect the dots and get a better picture of the overall phenomena or series of events and creates that missing keenness among them to explore further.
Table of Contents:
Developing Engaging Plots
Incorporating Conflict and Resolution
Enhancing Stories with Visual Aids
Fostering Critical Thinking
It is important to note that stories that have been used to explain concepts in K12 content development aren't boring and dull, instead they are entertaining. Thus, not surprisingly, they serve like a mental superglue when it comes to the remembrance of information for the learners.
In other words, it is interesting to note that such a kind of story-based telling introduced in the K12 e-learning platform works as if each lesson comes with its own set of memorable hooks that hang onto the memory for a long time.
The result of this is obvious, as students not only find themselves getting hold of the topics due to gripping angles but also recall them with precise details as when required — more like a magical bell when rang flashes multiple details in the memory associated with the topic.
Let us take an example of a historical event, for instance: when the event is described wrapped in a warm blanket with the use of a narrative, it suddenly turns more fascinating -- courtesy storytelling through animations helps to remember details of the incident with dates and names. If some kind of occasion involves injustice and exploitation, the memory remembers it with a vivid tapestry of emotions and imagery that sticks in the mind like a catchy tune. This is why storytelling is the ace up the sleeve of savvy educational content developers - it's a surefire way to make learning last longer than a summer vacation!
Storytelling in K12 content development can serve many purposes more like a Swiss Army knife which can be a very big boon for people with different learning styles — there is something for everyone!
For instance, visual learners who are used to the habit of understanding lessons by checking out colorful illustrations find the necessary elements of academic courseware (K-12 eLearning) interesting, created by well-reputed content development companies who are familiar with every facet of the process.
On the other hand, auditory learners who prefer to have processes or concepts explained to spoken narratives would be happy to find speaking features in the customized e-learning course.
Now, wouldn’t it be useful for both auditory as well as visual learners, when lectures are conducted using both words and illustrative pictures simultaneously — it would be more like a learning buffet every student can choose and fill their plate with the knowledge that suits their grasping capabilities.
Thus, by inter-knitting storytelling into the woven cloth of educational content development, teachers can create a classroom fabric art that has a broad selection of vibrant and suitable elements as the students themselves. Isn't this type of e-learning content like hitting the nail on the head when it comes to inclusive learning?
Let's face it -- sometimes, learning from a textbook can feel about as relevant to real life as a fish wanting a bicycle. But here's where storytelling in K12 content development really comes in handy and shines through. In fact, it may give a feeling to the learners that lessons are leaping off the page and happening right in front of them in the real world.
Importantly, K12 e-learning content with the use of 3D explainer animations connects the curriculum to everyday scenarios that happen around the children. Furthermore, storytelling in e-learning for education turns abstract ideas (usually incomprehensible in text form) into something that is easy to fathom and smoother in terms of the learning journey.
Take a math lesson on various operations -- multiplication, division, subtraction, and addition, for example. When a story is woven around as if the characters (shopkeeper and buyer) are discussing with each other and deciding the prices of items, the concept of profit and loss can be understood. Thus, with this sort of teaching methodology utilizing storytelling, it is like killing two birds with one stone: students easily absorb the concept and perceive how it applies to their lives -- a win-win situation in educational content development!
Storytelling also involves evoking emotion among the learners so that they are able to connect with the subject matter comprehensively. Storytelling in K12 content development touches the heart of the people and makes the subject easier for them to understand. So, if one thinks that emotions are just for soap operas, it is not so as they play a very big role in terms of helping learners. That is, by touching the heartstrings or tickling the funny bones, and in this way, it goes beyond usual facts and figures.
The best example of this would be a situation where a woman who has many difficulties in life is able to overcome various difficulties and conquer the challenges that have been laid down by life. This would be a motivational storytelling animation in which small kids can understand challenges are part of life and they have to face it bravely.
Also by incorporating emotion-based animations, the charged narrative in the K12 educational content will be able to light a fire under the students and it will push them to go beyond their usual level. In this manner, emotion-based educational content development will not always be about filling the minds of the people with concepts but also touching hearts too.
Picture a tale of triumph over adversity woven into a lesson - suddenly, students aren't just learning; they're feeling inspired to conquer their own challenges. By infusing emotional-based narrative content in e-learning courseware, educational content development can create a drive to explore more about the topics and with time, gain a certain level of mastery over them. After all, when it comes to education, it's not just about filling minds - it's about touching hearts too!
Given below are some of the ways of incorporating storytelling techniques into K-12 eLearning solutions so that it is easier for the students to relate and understand.
Crafting Relatable Characters: It is necessary to create relatable characters in storytelling that are in sync with the syllabus during the process of educational content development. Only this way will the children understand why it has been taught, how to relate to this, and then apply it to daily life. For example, while creating 2D or 3-D animations based on storytelling techniques, it is necessary that a funny and interesting character is introduced that explains various concepts — helping students connect emotionally with the content.
Developing Engaging Plots: It is of high importance that engaging plots are created so that students' interests do not while away or they do not feel bored and dull. In such cases, mystery-based storytelling should be created such that it enkindles students' curiosity and they show active participation in learning the subject matter.
Incorporating Conflict and Resolution: It would be a great help for the students if storytelling aspects such as conflict and resolutions were introduced in K12 e-learning. This will make students think about the important life lessons — considering all angles of conflicts and coming out with a resolution. Precisely put, when conflict is introduced in the narrative, it creates a sort of drama (attention-grabbing) that prompts students to think deeply about the situation and respond to it with a resolution.
Enhancing Stories with Visual Aids: The use of visuals for the purpose of storytelling in K12 content development can aid the student in gaining all the knowledge they desire as they see and then understand — visual resources for engagement and enrichment of knowledge. For example, when a topic such as an ecosystem is discussed in the school, it can be supported by multiple images that include food chains and other aspects associated with it.
In addition to this, great support would be in the form of multimedia elements, precisely, animations and audio clips as supporting components when a difficult concept is introduced while teaching.
Fostering Critical Thinking: Students should find it highly useful if they are made to analyze the plots, characters within them, and themes associated with the narratives. Hence, educational content development should be created to encourage the learners to understand the action behind the characters' motives and analyze the story which promotes deeper understanding and engagement with it. Importantly, the anecdotes in the storytelling training exercise should be such that it can be related to the real world by the students.
When K12 content development is created taking several storytelling aspects discussed above such as visual and auditory aids, animations, illustrative examples in the form of visuals, and many more other essential aspects, the learning journey for the children will be smooth and easy.
If you are an educational institute or school that is keen in infusing storytelling techniques in your educational content development process, then you can contact the renowned and experienced e-learning pioneer VK Creative Learning.