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From Engines to EVs: Training Made Easy with Automotive E-Learning Courses

October 23, 2024 auto motive elearning

The automotive industry is undergoing more than just usual changes, with electric vehicles shining high and bright. This electric slide means: there are a lot of machine processes that manufacturers have to revamp so as to remain in sync with the required changes for a new generation -- groove to a whole new beat. These transformations are primarily happening because governments and consumers are growing aware of environmental issues; thus, sending demand for greener options skyrocketing.

Consequently, big names in the automotive industry are not holding back and are pouring their best possible resources into electric vehicle production to fulfill the sudden surge in new demands. All these buzzes clearly indicate one essential point: automotive companies need to be more focused on training programs on electric vehicles than ever before.

If this automotive training doesn't happen on time in a company then it will be left behind in the race for creating efficient EV-based vehicles -- crucial times demand swift actions. This is where automotive e-learning or online courseware can come in handy and save the day as it allows training to be conducted from any center and its reach is widespread.

With the vital aspect of automotive training in view, we shall focus more on automotive e-learning online training programs created by creative content development companies and their benefits in the subsequent sections.

Table of Contents:

  • Bridging the Electric Gap: Automotive Online Training a Must

  • Why Automotive Online Training When Traditional Training Exists?

  • E-Learning to the Rescue — Shifting Gears in Training

  • Features of Automotive E-Learning Online Courses and Their Capabilities

    1. Customization as per the Requirements

    2. From Engine to EV -- Navigating the Electric Avenue

    3. Hands-On Learning -- Where Theory Meets Reality

    4. Gamified Learning and Simulation for Upskilling Purposes

    5. EV-based Simulation

Bridging the Electric Gap: Automotive Online Training a Must

The revolution brought forth by electric vehicles has left a skills gap among the people in the automobile sector very wide enough to drive a truck through it. Hence, not surprisingly, possibly, some seasoned players -- known for their existing knowledge -- in the automotive industry are finding themselves a tad rusty on the electric front.

To understand this situation, you can think of it like asking a mechanic who has spent many years working and repairing a gas guzzler to suddenly switch over and tinker with a silent electric engine - how much possible is it? Such circumstances are more like a whole new ball game for techies who are used to working on old technologies or engines!

To their surprise, technicians who are used to the act of making internal combustion engines roar now need to wrap their heads around EV-based vehicles (especially, new engines and their battery management systems, that too an efficient one). This bridge can be crossed and the workforce can be made ready for the newly arrived technology through targeted training programs -- automotive e-learning online programs -- bringing everyone up to speed in the electric fast lane.

Why Automotive Online Training When Traditional Training Exists?

Traditional training methods can be useful but it cannot be as fast as automotive online training programs, as conventional classroom methodology carries its own downsides when it comes to reaching out to employees located in different locations.

Also, with standard training practices, there will be a classroom full of learners who have their own doubts and it would be very difficult to address their queries at one time.

On the other hand, with the infusion of AI in automotive e-learning online sessions — creative content development, it becomes possible to address queries of the learners instantly — no long waiting times.

Additionally, it also supports the understanding of the learners by providing examples -- courtesy inclusion of 3D animations and 2D explanation videos, along with video lectures in the e-learning platform..

To put it in better perspective, traditional training would always shine if it is supplemented by automotive online training sessions which involve e-learning platforms containing tons of features that aid in swift knowledge absorption of the individuals.

Importantly, automobile technicians who have to juggle between busy work schedules and chores might find it a struggle to squeeze in these in-person sessions.

Imagine an engineer, who has to work on multiple new engine architectures, attending a week-long course -- wouldn’t this hurt productivity and turn into a roadblock? Clearly, we need creative content development training solutions like e-learning -- an answer that can accelerate learning without causing unnecessary detours.

E-Learning to the Rescue — Shifting Gears in Training

E-learning swooshes in more like a shiny new sports car, with many features in the offering to address varied training dilemmas, especially for people who are struggling to attend in-person lectures having a very heavy workload.

Precisely put, automotive e-learning online training offers the kind of flexibility that allows even people with busy schedules to have a look at the learning material when they have free time or even while they are traveling.

Importantly, since the learning material is accessible as per the desire of the learners, there is no mental state that training has to be attended in a particular day or time — it becomes possible whenever the professional can set aside some time.

Picture this situation: a technician, enjoying a well-deserved coffee break at home after a hectic day at the office, can squeeze in a few minutes to check out an online module between sips. Thus, automotive online training is more like the ultimate pit stop for modern learners who want to get upskilled as per their convenience.

Features of Automotive E-Learning Online Courses and Their Capabilities

Let us go through the features of automotive e-learning courses along with their capabilities one by one, explained hereunder:

Customization as per the Requirements:

Automotive e-learning online courses can be specifically tuned to fit the exact needs of each learner. Reason: just like a mechanic may not think of using a wrench to fix a flat tire, each technician may have a role in the automotive industry that would demand its own set of specialized skills.

Hence, these courses shape up better when they fall under the purview of creative custom content development -- ensuring learners get the exact learning materials they need to excel in their careers.

To illustrate this as an example: consider an engineer might explore the world of battery technology that suits his line of expertise, while a technician would get his hands on with areas pertaining to electric vehicle maintenance. Thus, automotive online training hinges completely on the idea of providing the right tools to the right people that suit their job profile -- maximizing both learning and knowledge development.

From Engine to EV -- Navigating the Electric Avenue: It would always be a difficult task for technicians working on old engines to shift to EV-based engines unless they are guided properly -- the monumental shift from rumbling engines to silent electric power. However, with the introduction of automotive e-learning or online courses, it becomes possible to put learners right in the driver's seat, as they're able to get the required information as when needed.

Importantly, the utilization of animations and simulations makes it possible for the learners to understand the intricacies involved with battery management or the working of various facets of electric engines.

To understand the situation, let us take an example of an automotive online training courseware that offers automotive engineers a breakdown of electric motor operation or demystifies the wonders of regenerative braking systems. By gaining an in-depth understanding of electric vehicles and their functioning in different scenarios (zeroing in on these essential topics), learners can sail confidently ahead, journeying into the future of the automotive world.

Hands-On Learning -- Where Theory Meets Reality: New joiners in the automobile industry need to get hands-on experience working with different types of EV-based systems. In fact, they won’t be able to troubleshoot or repair them unless they have any relevant field experience — the same goes for people shifting from diesel/petrol engines to electric vehicles.

This could be made possible with an automotive electronic or online platform which includes a virtual garage where technicians can tinker with various parts of electric vehicles and experiment with their engine parts and then enhance their current skills.

Similarly, engineers can study various types of engines that would be compatible with electric vehicles and get a better understanding of them — any time they want and at the place of their convenience.

Gamified Learning and Simulation for Upskilling Purposes: Learning can be fun when knowledge seekers get deeply involved in it and start exploring even the nuances that go unnoticed. This can be made possible with the games that are available in automotive online training courses that give exposure to the learners to different types of electric vehicles, engines, and various parts of automobiles.

EV-based Simulation: It may not be possible for new start-up electric vehicle companies to allow new joiners or even people who have recently started their journey into the EV-based industry to toy with the newly purchased electric cars or other EV automobiles. This is where simulations in automotive e-learning or online platforms come into play since they display and enable the work on all types of EV vehicles, batteries, and other relevant parts so that learners can study them closely.

Importantly, this can also turn out to be a virtual workspace wherein learners can experiment a lot without thinking of getting electrocuted. In this process, they can come out with a deeper understanding of electric vehicles. This way, be it new electric engineers or old technicians, both parties can become theoretically savvy and will be equipped with the required knowledge to tackle real-world challenges.


It would always help companies in the automobile industry if they opt for automotive e-learning or online courses as it has a number of features such as EV-based simulation and gamification which would help people working on old engines to shift to electric engines smoothly.

If you as an automotive company are thinking of incorporating automotive online training programs so that the transition of knowledge for the people working on petrol or diesel engines to electric vehicles can be smoother, then you can opt for VK Creative Learning.

October 23, 2024
