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How A Custom E-Learning Solution Can be Used To Develop A Growth Mindset?

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A growth mindset fosters the belief that there is always space for improvement and that learning is an ongoing process. The mentality of continuous learning and growth is critical for climbing the corporate ladder since it motivates employees to learn and improve. 

A growth mentality enables learners to accept obstacles and see failure as an opportunity. Individuals with a growth mentality are more inclined to take chances and experiment with new things. This fosters creativity and invention, both of which are necessary for survival in today's environment. 

Owing to the multiple benefits that continual learning and a growth mindset render, most organizations prefer to invest in custom eLearning solutions as both factors expand employees' knowledge and help employees to achieve higher productivity. 

Research studies show that offering training to upgrade an employee's knowledge using eLearning training solutions often leads to a growth mentality among the employees.

Having a learning and growth mindset to achieve great heights

Employees that get frequent training through e-learning solutions are more effective problem solvers since they are not frightened of failure. Additionally, the learning and growth mindset makes them more effective communicators, capable of communicating their thoughts clearly and successfully. 

Furthermore, employees with a learning and growth mindset, equipped with modern knowledge are more efficient, and continual learning enables them to stay pace with an ever-changing environment. 

Employee engagement is also greater in organizations that prioritize eLearning training. Employees are more engaged and committed when they work in an atmosphere that values a learning mindset and progress.

Numerous benefits of cultivating a learning mindset through eLearning courses.

A development mentality offers several benefits for a company, including the following:
?    Enhanced creativity and ingenuity, as well as problem-solving abilities.
?    Effective communication abilities and capacity for learning.
?    Increased adaptability to change and perseverance in the face of adversity.
?    Increased employee involvement and motivation, as well as improved teamwork and cooperation.

Fostering the growth mindset through eLearning.

Employees can be taught to face certain circumstances and overcome difficulties through custom e-learning solutions. Training through e-learning solutions will help them to not only embrace a growth mindset but also to let go of any kind of anxiety they have toward performance. Given below are some of the techniques for fostering the growth mindset through eLearning solutions.

Overcoming the fear of failure

Numerous workers have an innate dread of failing. They are so fearful of failing that they will not even attempt to achieve it. They must be taught that failure is not something to dread, but rather something to accept, acknowledge, and move on from. 

Employees must see failure, not as a roadblock to achievement, but as a milestone they will almost certainly face several times along the way. 

Organizations could use gamified eLearning to educate the employees about the negative effects of failure, such as losing points or a level. The employees can be trained to recover from setbacks by designing a gamified course that allows them to learn from failures. Alternatively, an eLearning course can be designed with a gamified course that helps the participants to learn something new and understand that failure is not the end of the world.

In other words, using a gamified eLearning solution, employees can be taught to recuperate from deep setbacks and develop a growth mindset.

Providing constant feedback

The need for continuous feedback is often emphasized in learning and development initiatives. When learners acquire a new skill or trait, they deserve to be recognized for their efforts. This can be achieved by showing the performance of the employees in the e-learning solution which may be viewed by the senior members of the employees. 

Additionally, when they fail, they should be informed of how to correct their errors. Giving students badges and certificates for acquired skills during an eLearning training program, as well as monetary rewards for finishing a whole course, is something that should be adopted. 

Correcting previous errors (inside the eLearning course) should also be rewarded with the restitution of lost points or levels. This continual satisfaction of their want to be praised motivates individuals to expand their knowledge, work more, conquer their fear of making errors, and break free from their entrenched mindsets. Rather than recognizing genius, companies should extol the virtues of perseverance and effort.

The measure of constant constructive feedback would encourage the employees to develop a growth mindset.

Promptly challenge your employees

Difficulties are one of the most effective teaching tools available in an eLearning solution since they motivate learners to persevere and triumph despite all circumstances. Difficult and demanding information in eLearning courses stays in the brains of learners (i.e. is retained). 

Provide employees with difficult situations that correspond to real-world happenings on the job, forcing them to use their minds. Bear in mind that you must provide them assistance and resources (such as suggestions) in order to avoid scaring them away. Maintain a delicate balance. Demonstrate how things are done (you may accomplish this via video-based learning), and then let them practice what they have learned. Include a challenge or two that require students to think analytically on their own, join the dots, and use pre-existing information to solve. The practice of facing a demanding situation and resolving any form of problem would help employees to gain a growth mindset.

VK Creative Learning (VKCL) is a pioneer in providing custom eLearning solutions for corporate companies and other industries via the use of cutting-edge eLearning technology. It implements all the essential and successful eLearning methodologies to help employees of an organization to expand their existing knowledge and develop a growth mindset.

April 12, 2022
