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Animated video resume

An animated video resume provides a visual representation of your professional experience, certifications, and abilities. It makes your talent stand out.


Video Resume

What is the definition of an animated video resume?

An animated video resume is an animated video that explains your professional experience, credentials, and talents. Apart from the media through which they are delivered, the main distinction between the two is how engaging they are.

Animated CV videos provide you the opportunity to impress prospective employers with your video talents. However, an animated video resume should not totally replace your standard resume; many businesses will only accept candidates who provide a PDF version of their resume. However, as a complement to text resumes, these films may help you stand out from the crowd and come closer to the job of your dreams.


With an animated video résumé, how can you make your talents stand out?

Given below are some reasons how an animated video resume can help you to bring visibility to your talent and skills.

  • Draw recruiters' attention: Animated resumes, unlike regular CVs, are not skimmable, and employers must view them in full to comprehend your profile. This will draw recruiters' attention to you and offer you an advantage over the competitors.
  • Visualize your credentials and background: A video CV allows you to visualize and highlight your abilities, skills, and expertise. If you're searching for a creative job, this is extremely useful since you can include some of your greatest work directly on your CV.
  • Allow your personality to shine: While standard resumes may restrict your ability to express yourself creatively, a video resume enables you to reveal the genuine you. A video résumé, whether informal or formal, is a great method to provide a sense of your personality.
3D Modeling


Key Features

How can you add color to your CV using a video resume?

A standard resume is no longer sufficient. To stay distinguished in today's overcrowded employment market, candidates must do something unique. But what is it about animated resumes that make them so appealing? Here are some of our favorite features of video resumes.

Animated video resume can assist you in standing out from the crowd: Would you rather watch an entertaining, animated movie or read a long written resume? Exactly. Many companies share this sentiment, therefore submitting both regular text and animated video versions of your resume will increase your chances of being seen.

They demonstrate your talents: Video resumes are ideal for persons working in creative fields since they convey and demonstrate your expertise. Your motion graphics and animation serve to demonstrate your abilities while you use text on-screen or audio to discuss your background and expertise.

They appeal to people with short attention spans: What employer wants to spend hours upon hours poring through piles of printed resumes? Even when recruiters do look at your CV, they only spend six seconds on average with each one, leaving you little time to create an impact. Watching a video resume, on the other hand, is not only educational but also fun!

They're memorable: Studies indicate that people recall 10% of what they hear, 20% of what they read, and 80% of what they see and do. This means that they're many times more likely to remember your video CV than if they read your text resume.

All of your abilities are highlighted: All fundamental abilities are taught through animations.

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Frequently asked question for animated video resume

With the help of this format of resume, you can showcase your extraordinary skills which may not be presentable in other ways. Importantly, all complex information is provided in simplified and engaging visual form with narration.

When a resume is presented in a video form with animations and narrations, the viewers can see, hear, and understand your skills in a better way compared to a plain text format.

Yes, you can upload a video resume that is short, detailed, and to the point -- provided the company you are applying to allows this form of resume submission.

Yes, we understand that each individual will have his/her own preferences and styles when it comes to developing a video resume.

VKCL very well understands that each individual would like different colors, fonts, styles, and music so that the resume dons an entirely unique and personalized look.

Of course, we would add all the images and clips you want to the video and we would also adjust the length of your video resume the way you desire.

We keep a provision wherein you can export your resume from VKCL's platform and share it in the format or file extension you want -- entirely depends upon the availability of resources.

No, it is not advisable to use this form of resume alone; instead, you can provide a video resume as a supplement with text format to make a strong and long-lasting impact on the company.

Yes, we highlight your skills and knowledge in such a way that it assists the decision-maker in making a judgment that you would fit perfectly in the role.

Yes, through videos, we emphasize your talents and knowledge level so as to help them understand how you have made justice to your roles in the past.