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3D Modeling Explainer Videos

The explainer videos using 3D modeling helps the learners to easily understand any topics.


3D Modeling

Understanding 3D Modeling & explainer videos

The computer graphics method of 3D modeling creates a digital 3D depiction of any objects or surface as observed in reality. Technically, the 3D objects are produced by making changes in the mesh or by altering the vertices. This process of 3D modeling creation can be automatic or manual.

The explainer videos using 3D modeling helps the learners to easily understand any topics. The reason being, the 3D models used for explaining the real-world environment are similar to real-world objects

We, at VK creative learning (VKCL), create ‘3D Modeling Explainer Videos’ for a variety of training purposes for different industries. We mimic the real-world objects and their functioning in such a way that the learners understand various concepts easily. We develop 3D model explainer videos for healthcare, engineering, pharma, education, and many other industries.


How do we create 3D modeling explainer videos? What’s the objective?

To begin 3D modeling, our multimedia artists start with something basic such as spherical, cuboid, or planar forms, and work their way up to create 3D models that seem similar to real-world objects. Further, they render exact shape, color, and properties to them.

Next, maximum efforts are put so that the functioning of the objects is not different from the one seen in the working environment. These objects can be a machine or some industrial equipment. All of the 3D work is only done based on the organization‘s requirements. These "3D modeling explanation videos" meet the organization's learning objectives.

3D modeling


Differentiating factor of our ‘3D modeling explainer videos’

3D modeling explainer videos

  • We employ the best subject matter experts (SME) along with experienced multimedia specialists, designers, and other industry experts to create the 3D modeling explainer video.
  • Our 3D modeling explainer videos are made after discussing the specifics of the training needs with the organization. This ensures that the organization gets the eLearning training coursework exactly what they require.
  • We understand that it is difficult for the trainees, especially, those who have just finished engineering or technical-based diploma and joined an industry to understand the complexities of the working of a process. To make their understanding easy, we make use of the micro learning technique. The idea is to break down a complex concept into two or four small modules so that they can understand a concept thoroughly.
  • We understand that the best training is the one that is able to render a type of explanation, which all the trainees are able to comprehend and implement the learned information in real-life situations. For the same, we make our best efforts to create engaging, simplified, and easy-to-understand 3D modeling explainer videos.
  • We see to it that organizations learning objectives are achieved by ensuring that each and every aspect of the learning videos are able to connect with the learners.
  • To ensure that learning becomes easy, we incorporate as many illustrated images, flashy visuals, and a lot of illustrations as possible for all the complex information or concepts.

Key Features

What distinguishes our m-learning from others?

Our m-learning solution includes sophisticated authoring tools and pre-built templates. These enable administrators and managers to do a variety of content production and publishing tasks in order to create engaging and interactive content. Additionally, the following are some of the distinguishing features that contribute to our LMS's value and uniqueness:

Course administration is overseen by the instructor.

Mobile apps and social media platforms may be used to publish content.

Multiple modules may be exported with a single click.

Multiple users may connect concurrently.

Integration of Application Program Interfaces (APIs) and webhooks is possible.

Video conferencing and access to the course library are included.

What we can do for you?

Online and offline service

Online and offline service

Faster learning at workplace with LMS feature, or downloading videos, assignments and other course materials.

Customized Learning

Customized Learning and multi-device content

Get personalized learning experience and operate from any device to enhance your learning experience.

Instructor based Learning

Instructor based Learning

Let the best language expert guide your workforce.

latest content

Upgrade to the latest content

Update your workforce with time by converting your pre-built content to new with eLearning content conversion and translation services as per the latest requirements.

Localization and Translation

Localization and Translation

We can understand, speak, and create course material in 20+ languages with our effective content conversion and localization services.


FAQs for 3D Modeling Explainer Videos

Tough concepts can be easily understood by professionals/students through depicting the 3D models of the real world and hence, VKCL creates 3D modeling explainer videos to simplify intricate topics.

Yes, with 3D models in explainer videos, the scenarios are depicted to learners as if they closely resemble real-world objects. This is something that improves the assimilation of the topics for professionals/students.

These types of videos would suit healthcare (professionals studying body functioning); engineering (machine dynamics); pharma (molecular combination of drugs); education (detailed explanation of various subjects), and more.

VKCL smartly uses multimedia artists to develop detailed 3D models using different types of basic shapes -- think of spheres and cubes, and further, they render precise colors and properties to provide a realistic view.

VKCL employs SMEs (to ensure that information is accurate) and multimedia specialists/designers (render real-life 3D details). We also allow our clients to opt for customized 3D modeling as per client’s industry specifications.

VKCL makes use of a technique referred to as microlearning, based on the concept that complex topics be broken down into small chunks of 3D modeling videos -- making learning easy.

VKCL handpicks engaging 3D visuals (more realistic) with simplified content in simple language -- all aligned with goals set by the firm to ensure an immersive, rewarding learning experience.

VKCL develops different types of 3D videos to present realistic views to professionals in different industries. Also, these 3D explainer videos are in sync with the learning style and pace of the learners.

VKCL understands that each firm may have its own budget. So our experts consult the companies; understand their requirements, and then sit to plan how to create 3D videos without any quality compromise.

Yes, if required, VKCL in consultation with SMEs and firms provides a summary so that it serves as a revision of whatever has been covered in the module.

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